What an AWESOME week!!!! You know, it is so much fun to do big, crazy, and wild things, but seriously--the "ordinary routine" of daily life is quite extraordinary. God dumps so many blessings throughout daily life!
For random conversations with super random people, I am grateful. Jacob and I ran into this guy here for the Steubenville Youth Conference last weekend, and he was able to give us a prayer intention. The other day, while I was at the campus library, a graduate of FUS (who is now a seminarian in California!) randomly popped up across from me at the table. While playing Frisbee today, Jacob and I got to talk with some cool Dominican sisters (and they are from Nashville, so they know Sr. Natalie--She's from Wichita, too).

For fireflies I am grateful. The other night when Jacob and I were chasing fireflies outside of our apartment, it was crazy--there were tons of fireflies in a small area, and they were all lighting up really brightly really quickly! It was awesome!
For St. Augustine, I am grateful. The Confessions is tough to get through at some parts, but I really am enjoying it immensely! I am growing in my appreciation for him so much!
For Doctor Who I am grateful. I watched "Series 4" this week, and greatly enjoyed it. Now for Series 1!
For Mass, the Rosary, and Liturgy of the Hours, I am grateful. A staple in daily life. I love it!

I hope that you all have a great finish to the work week, and a fabulous start to your weekend! To God be the Glory!