The bomb represents my thesis, other schoolwork, writing projects from several months ago, etc. So yes, right now I feel a bit like I'm running around with this huge load, trying to put it somewhere, but that's not happening. But through it all, God is so abundantly amazing, and continually blesses me with chances for redemptive suffering, a husband who loves me and helps me relax and get things done, an amazing environment on campus where I am surrounded by joy and love, and the deep peace of knowing that in just two weeks from today, my thesis will be turned in, my Creative Nonfiction paper will be almost ready to turn in, and classwork in general will be winding down. Yet as excited as I am to see the next couple weeks of hardcore work disappear, I'm trying to remember to enjoy it as much as I can--after all, this is my second to last semester of college. WHAT?!"! So as I run around like crazy with a "bomb," I will be sure to have loads of fun and adventure :)

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