Life has been extremely wonderful and blessed lately! Last week, I turned in 70+ pages of typewritten work, which was very refreshing and left me with a nice sense of accomplishment :) My last class of the semester ended on Friday at 12:50 p.m., and I cannot believe that I have only one semester left here at FUS!!!!!! Since classes ended last week, and my two legit finals aren't until Wednesday and Thursday (tomorrow and the day after), I've been mega-chilling out, which is wonderful. Legitimately, the only schoolwork that I have done over four days has been one hour-long study session with a friend. Other than that, I've been reading, making/eating food, sleeping, hanging out with Jacob, spending time with household, and being fiber-crafty (because the only craft-items I can make involve fibers).
Here follow some particular highlights of my non-studying life as of late:
~~Books are awesome!!! Over fall break, I read five or so fiction books, and over the weekend, I read one book and started another. The list of books follows:
The Song at the Scaffold, by
Mary was her Life, by Sr. Mary Pierre: This book is very awesome and inspiring. It tells the story of Venerable Teresita Quevedo, a woman born in 1930 in Madrid. Teresita was a modern, joyful, fun woman, who sought holiness in her daily life. I read this in high school and fell in love with her story, and re-reading it reinvigorated me with a desire to live passionately for God and Our Lady--while having tons of fun! :)
Treason, by Dena Hunt: This was a rich, suspenseful story about Catholics living in Elizabethan England. Many history books overlook the horrible persecutions that the Catholics faced during the reign of Elizabeth, and this story brings the reader into the daily lives of a variety of Catholic characters during this time. I love historical fiction, and I really love well-done Catholic historical fiction; so I really liked this book!
Death in the Choir and Death of a Liturgist, by Lorraine Murray: These books were both extremely entertaining and mysterious. Death in the Choir comes first, and I liked it, but I really liked Death of a Liturgist. Scenario: traditional Catholic parish, full of people who like their ways. Enter the liturgist, who throws out kneelers, replaces Latin and hymns with Praise & Worship music, and tears down the Stations of the Cross to instead put up "Stations of the Earth." Judging by the title, I'm sure you can guess what ultimately happens to said liturgist--but who did it? (and no one, even the religious sister, is above suspicion)
Besides these library gems, I also recently had the blessing and opportunity to help proofread a manuscript for the fifth book in the John Paul 2 High series. It was a very fun book, which kept me reading until I finished it at 3 a.m. on Sunday morning! :)
I didn't get a picture of the chocolates, but I did get one of St. Therese! Though unfortunately, this is before I added the black pupils to her eyes, so her blue eyes are a tad difficult to see here. |
I hope y'all are continuing to have an incredibly blessed Advent! Cling to Mary and the virtue of hope as we prepare for the coming of Christ!
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